Stretch, swim and SOAR! This printable packet is filled with fun Artic Animal Yoga Poses for Kids!
Included in this Packet:
- Warrior 1 Pose: Raise you hands high like moose antlers!
- Swan Pose: Stretch big like a walrus!
- Shark Pose: Make a fin like an orca!
- Upward Facing Dog Pose: Point your head high and show off your narwhale horn!
- Rabbit Pose: Stretch your arms behind you to create arctic hare ears!
- Downward Dog Pose: Stretch out big and polar bear crawl!
- Camel Pose: Howl at the moon like a wolf!
- Raccoon Pose: Make big owl eyes and take a look around!
- Run in Place: Pretend you are an arctic hare while you go for a run!
- Donkey Kicks Pose: Kick your legs like a caribou!
- Upward Plank Pose: Pretend you are a seal sun bathing on a rock!
- Eagle Pose: Pretend you are an eagle soaring through the sky!
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